martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010

Acropolis 2 minute Samples (vol 1)


Fade to Black's Acropolis 2011 forthcoming album preview

songs in this preview:

- Fly Away
- World in Ashes
- Heaven Underground
- New Tomorrow
- Death Becoming Me
- Who Has Seen...

check out our new "Samples & Singles" section on the right side of the web
where you could listen the sound experience with a better quality (recommended)

sábado, 11 de diciembre de 2010

Acropolis Teaser Poster

 I have the happiness to announce that the album is finally finished 
and will be released soon, very soon

viernes, 28 de mayo de 2010

Acropo News with little Mau Angriff

Anomalia .- dice:
hello maucis, how ya doing? ...
Mau dice:
Hello again, Mr. Reporterman.
I'm doing mighty fine, thank you.
How about you?
Anomalia .- dice:
im really good,,,,better than james brown, im here because...we have some great fucking news right????
Mau dice:
Fuck yeah we do.
Acropolis is recorded!
Anomalia .- dice:
you´re kidding....
Mau dice:
I kid you not.
We finally concluded the recording sessions and all the tracks are ready.
Anomalia .- dice:
OH MY GOD!!!! you mean, the songs are complete???
Mau dice:
I did't say that.
I meant that every voice has been recorded.
Anomalia .- dice:
aha.....I understand, there´s no missing character
Mau dice:
Now comes the mixing and then the mastering, and only then the songs will be completed.
Yes, that is correct. Every artist has done their part.
Anomalia .- dice:
But you have all the voices to do your little things....
Mau dice:
Hard part is over.
Now begins impossible part xD
Anomalia .- dice:
oh damn! xD
well, you were the last one recording your vocal tracks, am I right?
Mau dice:
You are right, yes. I was the last to enter the recording booth.
Anomalia .- dice:
and,,,tell us your experience
Mau dice:
Well, due to the extensive throat issues I have, it was no easy task. I couldn't record every song in one day, so I had to pace myself and spread out the recording sessions among several days.
I also had to stop eveytime I felt I was straining my vocal cords too much.
Some songs actually demanded some very heavy gutural growling, and those were the most eroding ones.
Anomalia .- dice:
in your "special" song?
Mau dice:
But with some tea and propoleum+oney candies, all went well.
Anomalia .- dice:
did your hear the songs after your recordings?
Mau dice:
I don't think I have the... mmmm... freedom... (*looks around in fear of Charly Sannat jumping out of nowhere like a ninja to silence him with some over-elaborated and deadly ninja device*)... to, you know... corroborate any speculations about the tunes...errr... however... I can say that, yes, in the pieces I have more protagonism there was some of that thrashy singing involved, yeah.
Yes, when I finished recording I took a little peek at how the tracks looked like in this preliminary stage but now with every voice recorded. It was.... for lack of a better word, intense.
Anomalia .- dice:
hahaha! intense? what´s that supose to mean buddy......
Mau dice:
Well, during my listening I felt quite emotional, it was really, really exciting!
I was singing along all alone in the studio and puting my hands in the air like an annoying fangirl at a boyband concert.
Anomalia .- dice:
HAHAHA TAT´S GREAT TO HEAR! people think you are,,,,mmmm,,, cold???---do you have favourites? like "MAN THIS IS GOING TO BE A HIT"
Mau dice:
People can suck a cock. Oh! Look at that! What'd you know? I have one right here!
Anomalia .- dice:
JAJAJAJA the little chosen one xD
answer the other question please...
Mau dice:
Well, there are some very touching and moving heartfelt songs, like the ballad "For You" and the soft-rocky "Who Has Seen" that I think will have a major fanfavourite feedback.
Anomalia .- dice:
In fade to black's words-.--its the more "radio-friendly" song on the cd right?
Mau dice:
And then there a few KickAssChorus ones that I'm sure will drill into people's heads for years to come, such as "Heaven Underground" and "World In Ashes"
Anomalia .- dice:
we have one power metal song with michael kiske tto right?
Mau dice:
That would definitely be "Who Has Seen", yes. In fact, now that I think about it, it DOES sound suspiciously familiar to certain could-be-dying-artist's song I heard somewhere....
Oh yes! That one came through much better than I expected, I confess. It's called "Eternal Dreams" and it totally rocks.
Anomalia .- dice:
yes,,,Fade to Black in a smoke granade he droped since the begining of the recordings said that the cd has a lot of diverse influences, from metallica, to soda stereo
he was right then
Mau dice:
Yes, we even unveiled some very obscure homages during the recording session with Michael Kiske about this one chorus that sound oh-so-very-similar to a particular song concerning a heart and some eagle or somesuch. I thinkg Fade toblabla and Mr. Robinson did an amazing job with the instrument tracks indeed.
Anomalia .- dice:
Fade did nothing in that particular song....Mr Robinson did all the work, and gaeruki those lyrics,,,its one of the songs we want to hear!
Mau dice:
Oh yeah... Mr. G.... Don't even get started on him...
Anomalia .- dice:
hahaha why? is there some problem with him? or something you want to say?
Mau dice:
What? Problem? Me? No! What? Come on! Of course there's no problem with him, no way man! He's my buddy, man. My duuuuuuuude, we are best buds!
Anomalia .- dice:
oh! because we have some info that he has some weird-shit and strange methods to recording his vocal parts
Mau dice:
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell... You know... I don't like to talk crap about anyone, you know. My mother thaught me that I didn't have anything nice to said about someone, it was always best to say nothing at all.

But yeah, dude, what the fuck was that shit all about? He totally flipped during recording and insisted on recording without listening to the track nor even his monitor. I was flabbergasted! But you know, artists are excentric and it is part of the engineer's job to put up with their crazy shit, so we went ahead and did it his way anyway.
The results were positive, though, so no harm done (... crazy deluded fucker ¬¬)
Anomalia .- dice:
we have the feeling, that they all have different personalities
like the characters they try to portrait
Mau dice:
Hell yes, they do.
It was a really interesting experience recording them, and myself also.
Anomalia .- dice: begins your "exclusive" part of the job
Mau dice:
... finally...
I mean! Yes, it is a shame that I have to do all this work alone, but It's part of the deal, you know.
Anomalia .- dice:
well, we hope to have this cd hanged in the stores shelves, and in this fucking blog too...hope you have tha patience and strength to make it,,,good luck pal...
Mau dice:
Thank you very much, I hope so too,
Otherwise, Mexico, here I come!
Anomalia .- dice:
you´ll have to run to the hills man for your life xD
Mau dice:
Yeah! Hahahahaha!

miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010

Gaeruki Interview

hello Gaeruki, how are you? Tell us about this project that you are involved, acropolis

Gaeruki: Hi, man...AT LAST¡¡ My fans have been waiting for this interview so long... ---
Well, where to begin...? Acropolis is a massive multimedia epic project involving music albums, viral websites, books, action figures (and maybe a movie) that will conclude in 2020 with a world tour...not bad, uh?
That's pretty awesome if you keep in mind that I'm part lyricist, part writer, part singer and main designer...and pretty bad if you keep in mind I'm not seeing a single cent...

Well, you have a point but... if the project succed, fans will love you! (and buy your action figure in that case) Tell us about your solo-song "The Jailer"... right? sell some smoke.

Gaeruki: "The Jailer" is one of the most multilayered and complex songs of the album cause it must remain faithfull to the music and, at the same time, must give us a quick glimpse of Sartorius mind. It's a mid tempo tune with some sorta 80's feeling disguised in a hard power rock song, with great riffs and a masterfully crafted crescendo delivering the most critically acclaimed verse of the album: "Take me awaaaaaaaaaaaay", in which I broke at least 3 vocal strings (and Kotipelto began legal actions to demand me)

When the project began, 2 years before, Fadeto knew exactly what he wanted about this song and told me about my character: A lonely soul, locked in a temple, away from everyone, fearing everything but, most of all, fearing himself, his thoughts and his dreams. But n the other side, the song has an open and pretty kindhearted ending releasing Sartorius from the chains that bind him to his pain and joining the rest of the gods in their journey to the mainland.
The two versions I recorded of this song retain some similarities but are quite different in their heart (chorus). I hope all fans had the chance to listen both in a near future. Maybe in a single...

(I think that was a cool heavy grey smoke, don't you think?)

coff coff!!...Favourite song?

Gaeruki: I think that "World in Ashes" and "Heaven Underground" are the hits, but if you ask me...ME....I'll say "Who has seen" the beggining I didn't like that song at all...but someway it grew on me... It's different...fresh, like a summertime breeze.

how do you feel working with other talented singers such as fade to black himself, mau angriff and michael kiske??

Gaeruki: The truth is we're a bunch of outlaws gathered around a mic... You have a deathmetalish growling minion bastard in Angriff, a glamorous lousy heavymetal legend in Kiske, an emo norwegian goth-melodic female voice in Ivy, a Latin Pop Smoke-seller Balladist turned power metal singer in Fadeto and a bisexual kicking ass industrial jrocker in me,'s a weird mix, you know, and we had hard times working together...
You know, we come from differents places, and have different ways of working...I kinda tend to
be a perfectionist asshole, and press the kids a bit too far...but I just want the best of them, I don't
want to hurt them or anything... My intentions are always good, I swear...but I admit I have a bad temper I'm trying to correct.

Thank you Gaeruki, hope to hear the damn record soon!

----- ...
(he never answered our last email)

martes, 13 de abril de 2010

Fade To Black Interview

Hi, How are you doing Fade, it's been a long time...

Yes, Thanatos Studio is now functioning normally, there were problems in their facilities but they were solved. We recently finished recording the voices, at least mine and Mr Gaeruki. Soon we will have those of Michael Kiske and Mau Angriff

Is this another unfulfilled promise or really "Acropolis" project will be ready soon?

... tsssss ----- (smoke granade)

Im your fan man! You can't do this to us!!

hehehe..just kidding!! As I said to my counselor Freddy "is now or never!" and I bet it is now that everything is on track.

The tracklist has been revealed, can you tell us about that?

Yeap, ten songs that tell the story of the characters who live in the Acropolis. The idea is that the listener reaches the feelings felt by the characters in the adventure from what is happening to them. There are some specific songs for every singer, varying musical styles depending on the situation or experience

Any favourite?

I think...mmm "Heaven Underground" and lately "World In Ashes" that song is already finished and kick's ass!!!

Any plan to release a -Single- before the album hit the stores?

mmm would have to discuss it with mau, he's the sound engineer... mau I hope you agree!! (I love the little guy but I think he hates me at this moment)

final words?

Stay tuned for more Acropo-lies...errrr I mean, Acropo-News. Oh! And pray everynight for the Single and the Album release ok? ;)

lunes, 12 de abril de 2010

"Acropolis" Cover and tracklist Unveiled !!!

Les traemos la tapa del disco del proyecto de Fade To Black "Acropolis"
La misma estuvo a cargo del aclamado diseñador Javier Galuccio, espero les guste.
A continuacion el tracklist oficial del disco, cuyo lanzamiento es incierto pero esperamos sea inminente!!!
Stay tuned for more news!!!

Acropolis Tracklist:

1 .- Fly Away
2 .- New Tomorrow
3 .- World In Ashes
4 .- Eternal Dreams
5 .- Who Has Seen...
6 .- The Jailer
7 .- Heaven Undergrond
8 .- For You
9 .-Death Becoming Me
10 .- Separate Ways